
Facebook Advertising Chat Support – Tips for Getting an Effective Response

Facebook Advertising Chat Support – Tips for Getting an Effective Response

Anyone who’s been involved with Facebook advertising for any length of time will almost certainly have had to deal with Facebook’s Chat Support service to try and resolve some of the issues that inevitably come up.

Unfortunately – and I believe this is by no means unique to Facebook, but a common trait for online support services – the experience can be somewhat frustrating (to say the least!)

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Facebook Ads for Clinical Trials – The Basics of Targeting Your Audience

Having worked in digital marketing for 20+ years, it’s easy for me to forget that not everyone understands how sophisticated the targeting options are within the main ads platforms such as Google and Facebook. (Whilst many organisations do use Google for their promotional activity, I’ve found that in the field of patient recruitment for clinical trials, nothing comes close to Facebook in terms of being able to generate quality leads in high numbers – which is why I focus on that platform for my service offering).


Responding to Comments on Facebook Ads for Clinical Trials

Responding to Comments on Facebook Ads for Clinical Trials

Once you’ve launched your Facebook Ads campaign aimed at generating patients for clinical trials, you’ll want to monitor the Comments that people make on the Ads quite closely. Otherwise, you could find performance deteriorating in response to a negative comment. (Or even miss a positive comment that you’ll be able to use for other purposes, such as a testimonial). Here’s how to go about responding to Comments on your Facebook Ads.

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Digital Marketing Tactics or Strategy – Which is Best for Promoting Clinical Trials?

Digital Marketing Tactics or Strategy – Which is Best for Promoting Clinical Trials?

Most digital marketing campaigns will be based on some form of strategy – in that there will be an overall goal in mind that is being worked towards through the implementation of some form of plan. However, what I’ve often found when I’m brought in to improve the returns from a company’s advertising spend is that what is being called ‘strategy’ is actually just a collection of ‘tactics’. Here’s an overview of the difference and which approach makes most sense when advertising to attract patients for clinical trials.


Facebook Campaign Budget Optimization – What it Means for Your Campaigns

Facebook Campaign Budget Optimization – What it Means for Your Campaigns

For many advertisers, Facebook is imminently introducing Campaign Budget Optimization (CBO) as the default overall budget strategy for all your Ad Campaigns – with it almost certainly going to become the only available format for all advertisers before too long.


Instagram vs Facebook for Clinical Trials Advertising

Instagram vs Facebook for Clinical Trials Advertising

Instagram became much more prominent on the radar of advertisers last year – probably through having hit a ‘tipping point’ of number of users as well as businesses looking for additional methods of attracting their ideal audience.

Facebook Strategy for Patient Recruitment for Clinical Trials

Facebook Strategy for Patient Recruitment for Clinical Trials

There’s no doubt about it – Facebook is an extremely valuable medium for promoting your clinical trials to an audience of potential participants. And my experience over the last few years has convinced me there is no more effective method of attracting registrations than targeting people with your message using Facebook advertising.


Rare Disease Patient Recruitment Using Digital Ads

Rare Disease Patient Recruitment Using Digital Ads

Reading through a recent special report on rare diseases in the excellent Raconteur supplement – a topic-based collection of high quality articles that is given away in The Times – I started to think about the complexities of targeting an audience for clinical trials when their condition is a rare one.